Nov 30, 2013

Reynolds & Midway XXII.

In the documentary I saw the words—
I forget already, the words I heard were—
I forget, re:Prophets from The Buik;
but there was something else that I was fain
to tell you now that's buried under heapes
of garbage, as at Gehenna, which is what
I thought I so desired to speak of. For of Hell
it most disturbs me, for, from e'en my birth
my fears were of a Hell of sorts, a dark
so dark that not one shred of light wd strike
my eyes, & not my hand before my face:
a child of six or sev'en I stood, my mother's
hand in mine, it could've been my father's,
plumb in a cave, in Southwest U.S.A.,
wherein the guide had plungd us into night
so night-like I had ne'er seen night before,
and queried, whoso wishes the light returne
please raise yr hand, and lo, the only hand
struck-up was yrs, sincerely, so they laughd
at one so dumb & young, or innocent ?
All three, no doubt, a three-in-one:trifecta—
trinity with minor 't', like that
softsoap that claimeth, 3-in-one, & that
snakeoil that offereth daily clarity,
I noticed of an evening: can this be
coincidence & happenstance, I wonderd,
but knew the answer in my latherd loins,
sd Midway, at which saying let us turn
back to the lantern slides: I saw
a man with quhite flanks on a public road
nude as a jaybyrd (naked hast too many),
who was to be the person of Isaiah,
at which point Reynolds clamord: be the Jazers!
forfend such visions, at which time did Midway
rub his chin & recollect his dreams
wich had been full of mony a bare behind
(Imagine me in the forest, with a beare
be-yoind ! The maiden with a bonnet sd
to Benny 'ill, who then screwd up his mug
& brought greate laughter sans an iteration)
not only of the spice & sugar kind,
not only of the waking kind, neither—
but dreams "wrought of volition", as I tappt
in Radcliffe, which was but a theft from Stevens,
one of the first things that I made
in this electric, softer mode: say things
said Midway, for the title "poem" must
be granted by another. Reynolds? No,
an other, not a sprite of thy invention,
thy shameless vanity, thy undead ego,
that stalketh still & loude inside of thee,
sticky w blood & sick, undisciplind flesh.
We made us cigarettes & watchd the screen
and learnd a tittle, which we will forget
despite the notes, despite the copy-pasted
chunks of information, bytes of data
that flow like rhinorrhea, true or false,
and clusterjammd for fingers to unpack
and hopefully unfuck, although our hope
is fading, for the world, both soft & hard,
is festering with minds & tongues that seek
destruction, not enlight'enment, that prefer
a loud guffaw & giggle to a fact,
who hold the truth in somewhat more contempt
than but beneath, scowling & sneering mouths
effeminate, insolent, & whorish-red
with shameless shaming, backwards industrie,
& duncy Alexander Potpourri.
Indeed, we're in a catch, & stuck between
the rock & hard place :seek & ye shall find
or seek & ye shall have the devil's index
+ fuckyou finger clapt inside yr nose
and led whither the Good Lord only knows.
'Tis time to pay attention, tappeth Midway,
and more, & closer. Deep. Be of good cheer
and of good faith, for God will make ye hear
despite yr stubborn creaturely stiff necks.
It hath been written, and will be againe
when you are changed back into elements,
whan that great Conqueror Worm & progenie
make windows in your skull & winde yr bones
in dirt & maggots. Maker of gold & bungholes,
of silver tongues & bullets, Lord of Hosts,
and of the world, Who maketh high the low
& low the high, Whose voice is from the little child
& sage, philosopher and lunatick, from wild
& cultivated, all, from lyon downe to lambe,
He speaketh via signs hid in plain sight, resplendent,
from asse to ant; and so He ruleth man, whose sins
are read, be His ways by the clock, or widdershins,
nathless they werke & are beyond ken, His Iamb
beyond all men, before us, obvious, transcendent.


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