I thought of the name Midway for a variety of reasons: the first line of Dante's Inferno, if I can try it from memory: Nel mezzo del cammin de nostra vita, which I believe means something like: in the middle of life's way, or road. The line has stuck with me throughout my life, probably from the first time I knew what it meant. It gained in significance, naturally, the closer I approached to middle-age, which when I first used the name Midway - in my 5 sonnet sequence entitled Midway - was around forty or so: I don't wish to look back now and see how old I was exactly when I wrote that first sonnet - why? because I'm lazy. I intended that sequence to be longer than 5 sonnets—actually one of the poems, as it occurs to me now, was not a sonnet but a little piece amounting to 4 lines— but at some point I either abandoned the project or it morphed into the Reynolds & Midway poems, or poem. Midway is me, myself, the author: William A. Baurle, at least currently. At the very beginning he was to be a character based on myself, but not myself. In the 1st poem from Midway I believe he was an astronomer. How I intended to build on that I have no idea, since I know nothing of astronomy, science, or even the history of those disciplines. It's no doubt for the best that that little sequence died when it did. Which is not to say that it may not be revived at some point in the future. Who knows what the Lord intends? I certainly don't. Do you? If you do, please tell me. I am open to any and all comments, good or bad. Notice that this blog, now some 6 yrs in process, has received all of one single comment from a genuine, non-spam source. Whooooo-eeeeeh! I'm rackin' up the numbers! All for now. 11.30.13
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