Nov 18, 2013

Reynolds & Midway XVII.

Sing, Muse, of having scratcht a 17th part
but yesternight, and having put it up,
which is to post, nay, not a beam, nor beame,
but a continuance, but too poste-haste.
For the LORD GOD, to Whom I made an oath,
saw fit to have me take it down again,
for it wast naught at all, but mockery,
& not great art, quoth Robbie Stevenson,
who said that man is wont to see the sin
and not the good that is a part of man;
who had endited many a goodly booke
that soon were etcht on our collective mind
and raised him to the upper stratosphere,
whence few can fly, that blessed aire to breathe.
Full stop. Estop, quod Berryman, for we
must amble onward, and by our design'd
perambulations wamble nigh on what
our issue is, which is: to glorify GOD
& humble man, who smiteth at his breast
like him that walketh on his hairy fists
& swaggreth in the lawless wildernesse:
that buff baboon, of muscle & great might,
of narrowe hind & broadnesse in the shoulder.
Let us proceed, quoth Reynolds, in annoy,
& Midway, both entrencht in mental fight:
internal war betwixt neuron & dendrite,
insipid battle 'tween a silly twain
of mark'd men; for the keen crosshairs of CHRIST
have wrought a plus upon them & transfixd
their wings of clay, those lepidopteran ghostes
that gad about inside the skull machine
and wreak much havoc on the back of Will:
obsequious donkey saddled with a brace
of misty and mysterious entities
who prick toward hell, San Juan, or Baltimore,
an hare-eared beast of burden, sad-eyed ass,
whose jawbone slayed a thousand Philistines,
whose lowly back bore up the Son of GOD
when He went riding to Jerusalem.
Speake of the number, then, ze vain galoots,
wich James, hight Paul, the Liverpudlian
born in the sixt month, nineteen forty-two,
declaimd with certitude that she was just
whenas he saw her standing there; and Joan,
not Jeanne d'Arc, but of the locks of Jett,
who spied him nigh unto the box of jukes;
and that stray cat whose plectrum pluckt
by shapely f-holes. There we lose a foot,
crieth Midway, of the Menke-clept hemstitch,
the primal iamb, one iambic tet
laid with rude guile, or by a sure neglect
abandoned like a babe amid the pent,
quad-pedall'd foundling wrapt & bundled up
in dingy swaddling fingerd in a brothel,
where waifly urchin maidens live enslaved
and jolly melon-faced & toothless hens
eke out long days in druggd & wretched pain
because of knuckle-dragging earthly brutes
who have not learned to love, or, having faild
in wedlock, reconnoiter in the dark
thro shabby streets, inevitably led
by urgent dictates of a smaller head.


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