Oct 2, 2015

θεωρία iii.


ran wither his own heart
to which he listend led,
as one & yet a part,
apart but interbred.
& where he put his foot
was made, yet up to him,
untrammeld, absolute,
as ancient cherubim
that God Himself had made
w purpose point & skill
when also He had sd,
w joy be multiple,
& sd, let there be light—
right, wrong; black, white; day, night.


Oct 1, 2015

θεωρία ii.


scrambled up the hill   rocks
knees fleckd w earth
shifted one foot   other foot
tunic pushd
at her left hand
when she stood
point to point
a wibble in the gait
slithe? A word. Wobbled
under delicate teardropt
contour prickd   lifted
w/o shame she climbd
bay & silken   safe