Mar 31, 2011

Epithalamium 2 (for Olivia)

Let us start again and see where we can go,
and not wait where the white gates swing wide.
The angel points the way that we should go,
That way. To the East, but what is East? The world
is bright and there is earth and water. Let us
walk with raw feet in the dew of the grass
as He has said we may. Now warm and cool,
we walk in the lush wet green; the soft fronds
push from the ground with their own sweet will
for the tread of our quick and tender feet. Newly
we wend this way, in a mild and windless weather,
and our hands glance, our fingers tap and touch,
and He behind us, over us, who loves us much,
and we on our way, away today, together.

Mar 18, 2011


unaquoeque: Spinoza

Ocquonoqtua: alien planet         far distant

of my invention

Mar 17, 2011


The zero as symbol for God:?
Zero represents nothing
(the opposite of God)
also the consummation of everything.

Panspermia theory: Think.
Once maintained sensation of climax
was physical understanding of God
I am coming, he said. Soon, He [the Christ] said.

extension motion & rest
extension  linear  outward  single
male  line  lineage  straight  Trestle
barrel  target  shooting  centre

arrows, arrows
flying, shooting
flying arrows
spray of arrows

zugot : : zu Gott

zugot: pairs !
ich bin von Gott und 
will wieder zu Gott

!Mahler 2nd say this prayer
at night before sleep pray
for the blessing of


Aramaic on vellum
ah! vellum: volume;
so many roads

Tanakh; targum; we
learn we see
open your eyes    thy; thine 

Mar 8, 2011

Flower class corvettes

Flower class corvettes
ride high the blue brine white
prows plash & spill; pom-

Poms & all riggd right!
O'er the lovely Thought curve
'round & rounded
Bright green, tight.

Mar 7, 2011


quatro makes a perfect quatrain
four times 4 perfecto canto
a b a b  A B B A
says Quien es coming pronto

Mar 2, 2011

Yaw: way

A lone & piercing, crystalline sigh
not with a language but a cry
the poet's lone, barbaric Yawp
from city stoop & mt top
over the rooftops of the world
whose chimneys billowed out the Word
that Whitman bellowed & willie blake
whose stanzas made the mts shake

& Ginsberg homosexual Jew
& King of May & bearded 2
w/ Solid Mental Grace obtained
& license from the Beat attained
"w/ iron swords on Iron knees"
had grokt the Holy Verities

epistle: a thistle w/o a thorn

More on zeros and ones: the One
that is God, the Father and the Son
the iamb hello that goes to show
that Hell is the heart without an O

without the Union of mind & Heart
the Holy endeavor of Human Art
that wholly shows the reason the Rose
is a Rose is a Rose & always a Rose.

Mar 1, 2011

little Beastie

6 is not 2/3rds of 10
66 is not 2/3rds of 100
666 is not 2/3rds of

(if you do this to infinity
you won't catch up to God
tho the Windmills of Eternity
set you out upon your road)