Jul 16, 2016

Reynolds & Midway 70

Telephond in from God, the teacher sd,
Leonard, when talking Beethoven mit Max
@ the piano, talking melody
& harmony—his agile fingers making music
out of the black & white, the on & off,
& that 1st symphony by Rachmaninoff
was gorgeous, inexplicably beautiful—
we switcht around, clickt here & there to list
to this & that, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn,

saving Schubert for a time perceived
like glossolalia in a dream of gardens
where Keats & Severn arm in arm wld join us
in green, red & yellow leaves, for joyous
Bacchanalian revels, seeing him stand tiptoe
upon a little hill and name each flower
he saw & smell the queen's handwaving leaves
of oaks or maples ? willows ? that's never a willow

hearkening back to Monty always Python
in the skullcage rattling round & woody tinny
words & music violins & violence
of scrambling atoms subatomic particles
of Offenbach Rachmaninoff & Rachinoff
& Onandnoff, concerti for the clarinet,
bassoon, french horn & harp & flute & tuba

      Too much! he says & stands & leaves
the auditorium, there oughta be a
moratorium on woody tinny fluty
music. All this longhair stuff is stuffy as
a new tuxedo, bowtie strangling, how they do it?
bowing sawing tuning breathing piping
