May 4, 2018

Paldet et quaia ton noltoc (my 2nd & final sound poem)

I am only posting this because I feel that I must. But, it will be the only other artifact I put here in this genre, which I, most likely, do not really understand.  Take it as an ornament, a bauble, a bagatelle, a trifle.

Paldet et quaia ton noltoc
poito te demma kenaq ti
duis eth enta nalha
plenka dishent

Nalqa shet belo zu ota
croy esh ed zelbid dekahk di
xuid en belfa nackto
xeqqa kadidt

Ornos indavo pi qleshtah
tues ed natta dohn eth id
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif



Wow. Google detected some Catalan:

Paldet, which way you do not
Maybe it hurts you
kenaq you
two of them

plenka dishent

Nalqa shet belo zu ota
croy esh ed zelbid dekahk di
xuid in belfa nackto
I got a kadidt

Ornos indavo pi qleshtah
t ed ed natta dohn eth id
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif


More notes, breaking words up, sending them through singly, going by sound, with more phonetic spellings, etc.:

paldet: Danish, paddle
kenaq: Albanian, pleases
kena: Malay, to be hit

plenka: film, Russian - film
dishent: Chinese, low permeability

Nalqa - Bulgarian - pressed (nalgas: Mexican slang for buttocks)
shet - Albanian - sells
bela -  Portuguese - beautiful
zu - German - to

ash - Albanian - ash
zelbid denak - Basque all of them
di - Italian - of
xuid - Hmong - break
belfa - Arabic - thousand
nackto - German - nackt - naked
xeqqa - Kurdish - wrong
kadidt - Hindi - crazy
kadid - Eastonian - what
kadi -  Swahili - card
kad - Lithuanian - when

or nos e nd avo pi klesh ta - Hindi - And on the question of abuse
tues ed natta - tu es et nada - you are nothing
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif
last 2 lines are a jumble of sow, child, naive, Naifa, - Arabic and other languages


Alcuin said...

Ha ha. Tongues, indeed!

William said...

Amazing, huh?

There is something even MORE fascinating:

Among my symptoms resembling dementia is an Asperger's kind of behavior wherein I bleat out random nonsense, often very profane, like "shit on it", "shit all over it", when I am trying to sleep, I also mutter this a lot: "He knows you didn't do it", He knows you don't have it..."

I have always thought that might be indicative of my finding certain sexual acts rather repulsive, because unsanitary...but I won't go into detail.

I have a friend on Facebook from Latvia who studies ancient languages, with a specialty in folk poetry, and troubadour poetry. She told me my sound poem contains not only Catalan sounds and words, but Brazilian as well.


Unlikely. Hence my lifelong love of Ezra Pound's work, which is heavily dactylic, and Virgil...etc.

William said...

Nalqa - Bulgarian - pressed
shet - Albanian - sells
bela - Portuguese - beautiful
zu - German - to

ash - Albanian - ash
zelbid denak - Basque all of them
di - Italian - of
xuid - Hmong - break
belfa - Arabic - thousand
nackto - German - nackt - naked
xeqqa - Kurdish - wrong
kadidt - Hindi - crazy
kadid - Eastonian - what
kadi - Swahili - card
kad - Lithuanian - when

or nos e nd avo pi klesh ta - Hindi - And on the question of abuse
tues ed natta - tu es et nada - you are nothing
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif - last 2 lines a jumble of sow, child, naive, Naifa, - Arabic and other languages

William said...

paldet: Danish, paddle
kenaq: Albanian, pleases
kena: Malay, to be hit

plenka: film, Russian - film
dishent: Chinese, low permeability

Nalqa - Bulgarian - pressed
shet - Albanian - sells
bela - Portuguese - beautiful
zu - German - to

ash - Albanian - ash
zelbid denak - Basque all of them
di - Italian - of
xuid - Hmong - break
belfa - Arabic - thousand
nackto - German - nackt - naked
xeqqa - Kurdish - wrong
kadidt - Hindi - crazy
kadid - Eastonian - what
kadi - Swahili - card
kad - Lithuanian - when

or nos e nd avo pi klesh ta - Hindi - And on the question of abuse
tues ed natta - tu es et nada - you are nothing
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif
last line is a jumble of sow, child, naive, Naifa, probably nothing.