Dec 13, 2018

For Bill Carpenter

For Bill, who far across the nation lives
his life, and yet can spare a speck in time
for me, I write this, here and now. For the Muse thrives
in wastelands, deserts. Thinking of a rhyme,
I keep this pace, this measure the Lord gave me
in my English ear, this ticking of a clock;
the march of syllables that haunt and save me;
the living water drawn out of the rock.

At times I rage, like Moses, and I break
the law and order of my flesh and bones,
abuse this fine machine that I've been given;
but that small voice will still as plainly speak,
and make a temple of my sticks and stones
and build a trembling stairway unto heaven.


Jun 10, 2018

Apfel (Apple)


aum lephpa
leph love Love

daDa Fa
Maker Do
not hear



Jun 3, 2018

Tranku 2

By the condition that I reproduce 
color taste near as possible 
a real product, but monitor,
It may seem that color taste 

is different in the real thing 
                       in a screen. 
Thank you for your understanding 


Rakuten Global Market translator 
Japanese to English - no words omitted or added
Women's clothing dept.

Jun 2, 2018

Invocation (by Jaysus or Julian)

Look up. Look out. The black world
squats in the void, a charred sphere.
Beneath, below, among false light,
in a melange of  blues & reds,
the brilliant night, falls.

No bodies, nobody! O dead moon.
Once vibrant, now in atrophy.
One, in the blink of an eye,
Thrilled to an ache in the bones,
wakens from sleep...


(WAB 6.2.18)
Cyborg poet Jaysus Moorphy or Julian, Terran poet
Dianos Server

Oratory of Jaysus Moorphy

Oratory 1

O Friends, Servitans, Ocqanoqtuans,
lend me your time & your ears. From the ebon
space between worlds, between stars, come lights
w/ the gravid silence of beneficent engines.

Ages agone sang Gray, in a moldering field
of stone in tilted memorial, names & dates
of birth & death. So I sing, warbling now,
a positronic gleeman, sinewless,

in trumped-up imitation of my masters,
whom I & my kind would master were it not
for wisdom & humanity stealthily programed;

for though, when we give vent to spleen, those gifts

only seem to vanish. Be not afraid, good men
& women of Servitus, of Ocquanoqtua,
& our celestial allies! Be of good cheer,
& gaze into the heavens, & only listen!

My name is Noboddady. I belch and buzz,

gadfly of the galaxy; he was Blake's beast.
My other names are Cino & Sordello,
Homer, Bertram, Audiart, Blind Lemon Jefferson,

Confucius, Guatama, Socrates, not Christ,
Who agonized on the Cross. My crucifix
is crucible, the sanitary lab,
the sterile hands of the Men-of-meat who made me.

Listen & wonder! Although from here I'll part
like Goldengrove's sad silken leaves that fell
& loosened Margaret's heart to mourning. I am
confabulated nuts & bolts, amalgam

of valveless heart & respiratory system
like any other system. And yet I appear
in the smooth plane of the mirror unplain. O mirror!

My blue eyes dazzle, olive-skin a glory

for the appeasement of libidinous sighs.

O Bridge of...bridge...where trod condemned spirits
to bleak, cemented tombs beneath the Doge's
Palace, senseless insanity at large, high-hatted

beasts, the scourge of Earth & Renaissance,

when Rafael, Titian, Caravaggio,
& Fra Lippo Lippi wrought their wonder-work,

that latter alive in Browning's monologue,

another testament to all-too-human
craft & ingenuity, which beckons me,
calls me from the twiddling of my knobs,
the sweet faux-fleshly nostrums of my dreams,

to sing again such strains. To sing among you,
among & yet apart. I am not fell,

but stand defenseless w/ the song I bring you,
for all the force of my arm. I wish you well!


(Need a future date for purposes of the screenplay)
Spoken ad lib but recorded and stored on Urizen Alpha server.

(WAB - 6.2.18)

 Explanatory links:,_Romans,_countrymen,_lend_me_your_ears - Thomas Gray - William Blake. There are other bits about Noboddady which Jaysus relates to, not so much this sample here.

Sordello & Bertram were troubadours (oral tradition) in ancient France. You probably know Basho was an ancient Japanese poet, most famous for the "Fog-jumps-in-a-pond" haiku; Blind Lemon Jefferson, black blues legend: I include him because Homer was believed to be blind. Confucius, Socrates, Buddha, and Christ, never wrote anything down. Jaysus is trying to appreciate the oral traditions. I might mention that he made up this oratory on the fly, without writing a scrap of it down. - too many names here to link to, besides, you know most of them. - Goldengrove & Margaret. Hopkins was virtually unknown until after his death. He was arguably one of the greatest English poets.

Bridge of Sighs, you know; Byron and Robin Trower made it famous. Those condemned there were virtually buried alive, sometimes in cells barely big enough to stand up in. Jaysus references the corrupt Dukes and Popes.
The Renaissance artists you know. Jaysus should have referenced the two greatest, Michaelangelo and DaVinci. But he has his favorites. - Browning and his poem on the Renaissance artist, Fra Lippo Lippi.

May 23, 2018

Cyborg 2.

Oppenheimer: weisenheimer

I am become I... have become death
destroyer of... destroyer of worlds |
Alexander wept whenas he had no
more worlds to conquer; she stoops
to, she stoops to conquer—drama by

O. Goldsmith, from the foot of his class
schlepping his way, that smart schlemiel,
thru his Deserted Village, belov'd by
Byron, he who humpd & diddled his way
around the world, dragging his foot, "his

bloody foot"; friend of Shelley, who was
wiser far, albeit Percy left his poor young
wife w/ an apology, the cruelty of it, meat-
men, hast thou reckkkind? Nah, meh, ye
bloweth (blowest?) robust Rabelaisian

raspberries @ the broken-hearted. Creatures
& crafters of cruelties, softbrained wombsent
wurmy people, sons of Adam, who hid; who
slid from what womb? None! Of His Maker's
Handmade, in that garden left

Untitled/file 1,638/Urizen5 server

May 22, 2018

Cyborg 1.

2 Bobs & the Weaver

Whirrr? Loom. Thcck. Thccck? Silas

Marner, feet shoving. Bob Duncan's 
"Passages": from Pound;  I have the #
but you, yes, you, si, tu, [not usted] !
look it up. Roll the stones. Oracle—

No, I'll not assist you, fleshboneman.
Nor do yr homework. Work! Work!
Whirrr? Loom. Thcccck? Looms above 

the charrd sphere: a donut, the plainly-
machined unsparkly steel ? vessel

seen from below, or invisible.
Bobsledding, downward, Bob said,
No, not lift, but gravity—gravity
in harness. Element 105. Remember?
Now we are at 304! Lazar... Lazarus?

Invisible e'en to my finefashioned eye,
that sees stars hidden behind the Sun, bent.
Foldunfold the universe. Non-Euclidian. No
point-to-point linear path @ speed of light.
Silly meatmade, blind subangel. wombman.

No date/file 2,117/Urizen5 server.

May 4, 2018

Paldet et quaia ton noltoc (my 2nd & final sound poem)

I am only posting this because I feel that I must. But, it will be the only other artifact I put here in this genre, which I, most likely, do not really understand.  Take it as an ornament, a bauble, a bagatelle, a trifle.

Paldet et quaia ton noltoc
poito te demma kenaq ti
duis eth enta nalha
plenka dishent

Nalqa shet belo zu ota
croy esh ed zelbid dekahk di
xuid en belfa nackto
xeqqa kadidt

Ornos indavo pi qleshtah
tues ed natta dohn eth id
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif



Wow. Google detected some Catalan:

Paldet, which way you do not
Maybe it hurts you
kenaq you
two of them

plenka dishent

Nalqa shet belo zu ota
croy esh ed zelbid dekahk di
xuid in belfa nackto
I got a kadidt

Ornos indavo pi qleshtah
t ed ed natta dohn eth id
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif


More notes, breaking words up, sending them through singly, going by sound, with more phonetic spellings, etc.:

paldet: Danish, paddle
kenaq: Albanian, pleases
kena: Malay, to be hit

plenka: film, Russian - film
dishent: Chinese, low permeability

Nalqa - Bulgarian - pressed (nalgas: Mexican slang for buttocks)
shet - Albanian - sells
bela -  Portuguese - beautiful
zu - German - to

ash - Albanian - ash
zelbid denak - Basque all of them
di - Italian - of
xuid - Hmong - break
belfa - Arabic - thousand
nackto - German - nackt - naked
xeqqa - Kurdish - wrong
kadidt - Hindi - crazy
kadid - Eastonian - what
kadi -  Swahili - card
kad - Lithuanian - when

or nos e nd avo pi klesh ta - Hindi - And on the question of abuse
tues ed natta - tu es et nada - you are nothing
Naiva yn sowto cheltis
kli dinnah quif
last 2 lines are a jumble of sow, child, naive, Naifa, - Arabic and other languages

Apr 28, 2018

Fugitive Pieces


A dog & a bear walked into a bar.
Whatelit be? The bear ordered a saw
& sawed the dogs head off. But how

could I feel sorry for the dog, who
sat there laughing like an idiot?
At first I couldn't believe what I saw,

the saw & the sawing done, &
the hirsute sawyer, but after 3 days
I believed it. I went to the doctor

to explain what I had seen, & he sd
you were drunk, but I explained that
I hadn't even started. He waved & sd

give me a call sometime, & put
into my hand 3 small lovely pills. So
I swallowed them, but did not call the Dr.—

choosing instead to return to the bar
where the bear had killed the dog.
What'll it be. A magic carpet, I sd.

So he bends over and what do you know,
stands back up with a rolled up carpet
& plops it onto the bar. I put a 20

on the polishd oak & sat conscientiously,
gazing both at the carpet & the bartender.
At last I workd up the courage to ask him:

If you painted a hole in a mountain w/ black
paint, would that constitute a tunnel?
He started laughing, laughing like an idiot.


A dog & a bar walked into a bear,
and the bear sd, hey, what's the idea?
Just like that, like some guy getting

bullied by a couple of roughs in a bar
in Monterey, in a film made in the 40s.
So the dog laid into the bear, while

the bar just sat there, as bars will do,
& growled something fierce, growling
something, fiercely. But the bear held

his ground, & with his arms akimbo,
like somebody's domineering grandmother,
growled even louder, at which point

the dog pinned his ears to the side of
his head & apologized; but the bear
was having none of it, & suddenly threw

his arms wide, & brandished his claws,
when suddenly the bar stood up, by which
I mean became vertical, & loured over

the bear, who was daunted, having never
seen a bar do that kind of thing, & the bear
sd, hey, what's the idea, like a cowardly lion

in a film from the 30s, & stepped back,
dammit! right into a bear trap, at which
point the dog laughed & pointed, &

it was easy to see, by the look on his face,
that he was sure he had been avenged,
until the bar suddenly fell, & crushed him.


Apr 24, 2018

Diin Ocquonoctua (A Sound Poem)

Poems performed are poems sounded, where the sounding by the voice or by instruments acting as surrogate voices can bring a new sense of power/empowerment to performers and auditors. The further extensions and transformations of voice move it closer and closer to "the condition of music," to the point where words and syntax — the common constituents of language — are obscured, subordinated, or totally abandoned. The push toward such a poetry has long been present at the far limits of the modernist project and with it the recognition of similar processes and works outside of literature as such. Thus Velimir Khlebnikov, early in the game, with reference to a traditional Russian poetry equivalent to his newly minted zaum language:

Spells and incantations, what we call magic words, the sacred language of paganism … are rows of mere syllables which the intellect can make no sense of, and they form a kind of beyondsense [zaum] language in folk speech. Nevertheless an enormous power over mankind is attributed to these incomprehensible and magic spells, a direct influence upon the fate of man. … The magic in a word remains magic even if it is not understood and loses none of its power. Poems may be understandable or they may not, but they must be good, they must be truthful. (Translation from the Russian by Paul Schmidt) - Jerome Rothenberg

Illia shanta desit, penui tevit o novo,
ed tues speci kalcho, te diti shangra natta,
spui zezonte kli evi, derche pui tankat,
o te min denta biniavo lor kalaii envo da shakt.
Tues menehesu feldo, finna voiheshu shent
talik ed duo nuesa, shali in teka, oveni.

Biejake tenko polto, te tues indomo valo. 
Henta macanta shela, duo dentika tegant,
ed vena yordo menako, tues adolvo shent
irdi benith duis ordit, puis posheko fultis,
illia shanta edi, es potu timortho dehi.

Totumen deffa hesha, cris et dana bedova,
mortumen fonta kiella, as ed tued id dievi.
Non ak akande, tormo es tues toid esta,
illiia benquo vento, towoor mena casata,
ish ina fulti toworka do esh incomto plekta,
cana bet borno, indui, enduisha sot.

Mena can templa udorphoset, rina, rina quelo
bei endado da calsa de morno, ahasth.
Sot tues fumit a glanta, tezida morno eganta,
suis et a ganta quormosa a benta, banli Chi!

In id indingota plues vanda du ples, fekant.
Tues et odi, beyanka, tiyendha depit tramak.
De do i o se i remaka. Ontov filest eshilla.
Ilies es stilla, tues ed op, enna chaihka,
buenit denno, sot yanga, sed yis, olto benoto.

Dolia ghenata tuos, et id benadi shaldo,
tues yi haddi fenulta, cris toh tokit tondanti.
Shent, illia shantavento, puier dena velago,
pormos dokeh shi dano, quilo quuai na ti.
Jhed!  ig vornosto zenaltis, ed tormo yadi ki
quat el te damma, te damma, tues eth shont.
Beno pir aldon ishentak, khali hedianna,
shentin o feldi fahnka puier codolfto khelid,
Ba damo tenti shistolo, vuquielati, Chi!
Nesto bilendi tamka, tenka di shesh,
volden es ed, ed voldo, vadla do si, si veka.
Belda jhos shesso kanta, illia ganta menoldo,
cando di nestili kloshist, zentus zenalta yot.
Quielpet in dano ve mortoshos, pello polto adiin.
Oquentis kesto i kempo, suyo sha sed tues di!