Jul 21, 2015

Reynolds & Midway 60

     "The nest is full of nothing when the bird has flown." - I.A.

I see kiniggits pricking on the plain,
the crosses on their breasts, the horses' nostrils
steaming, and the stamping clopping hooves
with iron shod, I see the clumps of earth
fly up, and in the distance from a square
cut in the stone I see a rope, a braid
of maidenhair, say chestnut? Lethian,
or some rapunzeled girl, trapped in a cell

twain storeys high, of smooth wood and baroque,
fine carven, swirling stuff, and on the mantles
many vials, vases, polished mirrors,
porphyrian oddments, or of whiter work,
blue filigreed marble, flakier sandstone, veined
we should have said, for he was thinking deltas
deep inlaid, and Pound had come again
with some new brighter stuff, can someone list?

Can someone come along with us, O come
ye blousy spirits, there be avatars
in me and many, may we be possessed
of thee, but soft, for there beyond the door,
beyond the gate, be darkling things that cry
and wait and lie, that gibber in unjoy,
ungainly in ungrace, not far afield
but close and clustered, toady moist and gaunt,

or in an ungallumphing gravid mass—
Then pray upon the Cross, and say, O Christ,
for Thou art with me, I shall fear no evil:
None shall taloned tear me limb from limb,
O Lord, for I have with my rubbing thumb
upon Thy body, narrow on the Cross,
thanked Thee with gratitude, and anxious love,
and unaccosted laid me down to dream.


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