Oct 20, 2013

Wish of a Kitchen Maid

Is that my loved one coming
    through the mart,
to start the leaden drumming
    of my heart?

Is that him on his Shire's
    back so high?
The spark of my desire's
    flame-blue eye?

Are those the corded thews
    of his arms,
and that the lady who's
    won his charms

with plumpness in the bodice
    laced up tight,
which drew his blue eye's notice

Indeed, it is the bitch.
    See there, he
dismounts and salves his itch
    with very

indiscreet and copious
    long kisses,
and gestures that make obvious
    who is his

lucky and young lover.
    Now, heart, ease.
The dream we had is over,
    so stop, please.


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