When you ran w Keats
on Hampstead Heath
they calld you a different name,
as you once wrote— someone
in a poem or song, I cannot remember.
Now come along, let's run again
thru neon groves or pastures new,
w John & John & John,
one dead young, one blind,
one hurld to Eternity in Minnesota.
For there must always be the
invocation, the index finger's curl
let us go now,
thru half-deserted streets & alleyways,
on dirty feet
trollfeet, ghostfeet,
country-bumpkin booted
or walkin on Gucci, wearin' Yves St
Laurent, find them,
throw them out, cast them like pearls,
let the young ones further on
discover w eyes focusd, navigating
tomorrow's interfaces.
8.12.17 first draft.
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