Mar 15, 2016

Reynolds & Midway 67

We're almost there he sd, which means to make
Him supple again, wich means to flesh Him out,
Extend? perhaps Baruch would say & take

some soup or toke, for we had heard about
his fancy for a puff & liked his pipe.
It's something in this thing of one & aught,

some ancient, primal, irreducible pip
at the beginning, wich wld be a point.
But could it be that all we have is hope,

the truth of faith, the struggle for a hint
from Him, to whom we pray and raise a roof
and say it's a temple? Now, Midway ain't no saint

sd Reynolds, that's for sure, and if you want proof
just look him over, he's sick & thin & white,
and if there's any smoother, silkier calf

than his, I'm Lincoln's grandfather. That's right,
I says, & let me tell you all about it,
like Tuco, who had felt the rope pull tight,

& as for yr ass, you cld feel the devil bite it!
We're coming closer to the devil's tower
whan the 19 seventees became excited

w visions of alien & other than our
intelligence & machinery, whan dark invaders
walked our skies and workd w unseen power

& used the Force to stump the silly raiders
of Cosmos who had gone to the other side
& dumbly swung for Chaos 'gainst the Creator's

will. This Davies' 9th's no joke, than Midway sd
but hath a certain twang of Richard Strauss
leastways at's how it struck me in the head.


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