Jun 18, 2015

Reynolds & Midway 56

My odalisque be narrow, lithely gilt
at tail, but swiveld @ her centre, made
of goodly stuff, and mayhap she will tilt
just so, adornd with diamond emerald—
a prick—a sapphire black obsidian
and there, just there below meridian
beneath and to the west & east that white
enamel nub prest out against the sheath
of velvet satin olive alabaster

Rotormobile, savage, pigeon-toed
and knobby kneed, not splayd:
No waddling duck for this sick drake
of twisted form, not made for sportive trix
his spine 19° curved left for sin
@ 15, lockt in padded corsetbrace
in pimpled shame, in bumping corridors
hard plastic puppetboy, strapt in, tied up|

Thy odalisque be slender, spider-leggd,
come cherrytopt & cherrylipt and slay
us, brown black Dian Artemis O silver
horn, we watching in a thorny thicket:
Horny hunters, thou in Grecian glade
nimroddy toms, we peeping, run us thru

Thou odalisque O comely concubines
my slim & limber troupe
of cantaloupian musky melon loves
in closely clusterd groups like grapes
and bunches of well rinded fruits
of yellow, tan, or tawny
flesh O mellow meat O no !
she saw



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