Jun 1, 2014

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

At Shea Stadium our seats were way too high
to see the players, let alone the ball.
When someone cracked a homer, my boyish eye
flashed, but failed to track its trail at all.
I stood and gave a tipsy clap, the beer
secured between my tattered keds—non-Met
fans raised en masse a flatulent Bronx Cheer.
Down in front, a black and white TV set,

rabbit-eared and tinfoiled, showed the game.
I thought of Mickey Mantle, Joltin' Joe,
and Mrs. Robinson. Though it's a shame,
I can't remember now who won. I go
along with friends today as I went then:
equally loving games, and mice, and men.

- 6.1.14

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