Sep 28, 2015

θεωρία i.


In the begining steppt barefoot upon
the green, & was but she a lass alone
& comely, gray, of silver was the lash
& gemmd w black like beads; & in a slush
of dew & grass went wayward, where she was
w wing enclosed who watchd when over us
he made his print, & when he did she watchd
& saw the mark whereon his hand had touchd
but softly, gentle as a swish of wind.
So on she went, in summer violind,
the distance shelterd with its shimmer, brown
bay umber music blent w cinnamon,
& wither went she it is written, dark
on white, eternal emblems of her mark.


Sep 22, 2015

Note again

Reynolds & Midway 66 has been reverted to draft for privacy reasons.

Sep 11, 2015

Reynolds & Midway 65

I wanted, rekkin, to rite a ditty for Anne C
but baild on at, for whither wld that get me
question mark. Return to Ezraversity,
wherefrom I baild in late teens & late 20s
took up put down took up put down again
for we are monotongued, sd Midway, sitting,
pecking, dreaming. How many tongues had he?
Heard six, heard nine, now how is 1 to no?
O Tower of Babel, mark it well, remember.
It want for nothing men wrote write to left
in them days, patient, learnèd men, not all
'em bronzeage herders: That is ignorance,
stupidity at large, broadcasted loud
in academia, and on social media.
Read, and teach yr young to read, then
read. Don't speak. Shut up. Button yr lip.
Be quiet. Listen. Meditate in silence.
Go find a quiet place, out of the noise,
and listen. Move yr eyes across the page
and keep yr lips closed. In that silence cometh
a knowing, if yr lucky a shewing (sic). O
-pen yr heart and let Him in, O let Him in,
for now it's party time in the Tower of Babel ,
time for inking & another prick,
another bit of metal through the nose,
the tongue, the ear, another barbd eyebrow,
another fuck-you finger, another sneer,
another primal scream. The darkness calls
and we go running. I go too, we all go
down the black & misty spiral stairwell
into the green & purple life from death,
down to King Rat, down the rabbit hole,
again, againe. Apart we are, unWhole,
but fleety flex & ittybitty bits
cast in avoid, like whan we were a childe
not Harold we wld blow the dandelion
hither & thither, yon & over hill
and over dale, and whan we dreamd we saw
the stars come form a wheel and whirl, and we
were Moses was it, w a writhy staff
a serpent, magic, Cassavetes calld
down magic from the sky, a Tempest, Greek,
& w his glasses he sd, show me , tempting
God Who shant be tempted. Unto Julian
He shewed, and He will choose to whom He shows
until then listen, wait, for those who sit
or stand & wait are also serving, sd
Iohannes Milton who was blind & able
to justify the ways of God to man
in order serviceable.


Sep 5, 2015


R&M 63 has been reverted to draft for privacy reasons.