Jun 20, 2015

Blue Red

                for Tad Rapid & Tirds McGee

Blood is blue inside and red
outside ∴  Blue good, red bad.
Red: Alarm. Red stands
for police & ambulance.

Blue: Mel's Passion: Think
Gesthemane, in blue: Good.
Blue link, good link;
Red link, no link ∴ 

Blue good, red bad: Red light:
Stop, but green light—
wait, no, yellow that— wait
Red cross good, right?

Yes, right, right ∴  red cross
should be blue cross? And?
Blue Cross Blue Shield !
Cross is Christ, yes, and

plus sign tilted becomes an X and
x means times, that's right, and yes,
t means Time, of course, of course
∴  plus/minus one/zero equals a little and

of course a horse
is a horse of course
and Paul saw Peter
and Peter saw Paul

and 42

at all


Jun 18, 2015

Reynolds & Midway 56

My odalisque be narrow, lithely gilt
at tail, but swiveld @ her centre, made
of goodly stuff, and mayhap she will tilt
just so, adornd with diamond emerald—
a prick—a sapphire black obsidian
and there, just there below meridian
beneath and to the west & east that white
enamel nub prest out against the sheath
of velvet satin olive alabaster

Rotormobile, savage, pigeon-toed
and knobby kneed, not splayd:
No waddling duck for this sick drake
of twisted form, not made for sportive trix
his spine 19° curved left for sin
@ 15, lockt in padded corsetbrace
in pimpled shame, in bumping corridors
hard plastic puppetboy, strapt in, tied up|

Thy odalisque be slender, spider-leggd,
come cherrytopt & cherrylipt and slay
us, brown black Dian Artemis O silver
horn, we watching in a thorny thicket:
Horny hunters, thou in Grecian glade
nimroddy toms, we peeping, run us thru

Thou odalisque O comely concubines
my slim & limber troupe
of cantaloupian musky melon loves
in closely clusterd groups like grapes
and bunches of well rinded fruits
of yellow, tan, or tawny
flesh O mellow meat O no !
she saw


Jun 16, 2015

2 Poems About a Bird and a Fish

           For Heather


There once was a bird who loved a fish.
He thought the fish was quite a dish,
but the fish was playing hard to get,
and the bird got nothing, except     wet.


There once was a fish who loved a bird.
The bird thought that was quite absurd,
so she chirrupped out a reprimand.
But the little fish didn't understand.

about a month ago

Jun 11, 2015

Reynolds & Midway 55

     I love a kitchen boy, and William is his name. - Steeleye Span [trad.]

Endless corridors, passageways, lights,
a sense of confusion, of having been
newborn, or born again, in some new world,
to seek out, strange, dark. Scotty. Born,
Dotty. Born. Yes, I remember, Oh My
Gawd.  Laughing. Daughters of some, bright-eyed
laughing daughters. Daughters. Tricorder.
Check. Mr Checkov. Checkov, run
a full sensor scan.  Off & on. Onward
rode the seven. 7 hundred. No.
it was 6 hundred. Six hundred men! Scotty.
The stars, you're fired mister. Dilithium.
Crystals. Dilithium. Lithium. Salt.
Water. What?s. I want answers. Speculate.
Spock. Spock. Please report to the. Quarters.
My quarters, Bones. Tricorders. Zones.
Neutral. Zone. Scotty! Dammit Bones.
Lieutenant. Yeoman Rand. Who is John Galt?
Yesyes lieutenant, I sd code. 2. Arm
phasersmister. You have yr orders.


Jun 5, 2015

Reynolds & Midway 54

     Bros before hoes. - Wise man.

I am that I am & eye yam what I yam, cried
Yahweh & Popeye when Lo & behind
us crept up beside us, she that did lob from her
guts the rotgutting catgutty strings
that, spat from her, tangled in webs of deceit
us menfolk, sickly & wan we: Waxen, pallid,
pellucid-eyed saps for the pelvicly maddening
midriff asway & aswivel. The drivel we spit
O cherry red ripe O snowy white Phyllis O
Chloris, Corinna & Daphne. Daft we
dribble in dulcet & docile deblitity,
prostrate & vexed with a witch's hex, he
sd, as he gasped his last breath, sexy,
& forkt o'er the fee. Fie! Fuck her fertility.
