Jan 16, 2015

Cecily's Fingers

She broke the icecream sammiches in two
and set them caddywampus in a monkey
bowl: a dish in institutional slang or jargon,
can hold oh say three quarters of a pear

or peach, with juice a brimming nigh the brim,
because this juice is corn starch mostly, strikes
and sates the sweet-tooth smartly and the tongue
alarms with viscous goodness cuz, cuz that's

like that synthetic interlude that Jonesy
plays in All my Love, that syrupy beauty
Frank wld detest no doubt, pray we avoid it,
but Frank frankly, there was a dryness there,

an absence, no titshaped saline drip dribbles
as cometh say from some solo piano
of Chopin, Beethoven, when to Frank we hearken.
Still, skies brighten, not darken.