Mar 24, 2014

Reynolds & Midway XXXVIII

I or we did @ 1 time declaim
that 8 the # signald single-digitally
was representative of infinitie
when toppled o'er & lying on its side
& then went on to say that that #
whan represented on a digital clock
containd within itself all other numbers.
But here we cannot shew you how this is
and you will need to bring to centre stage
& in the spotlight—that thin lemon wedge
that clever pepil say is consciousness,
the image of the number eight as rectangle:
right angles top & bottom, right & left.
& in this image, all the numbers live,
This attribute is special to the 8
whan renderd squarely, brightly. This we think
a special correlation, and a sign,
and to it we significance assign,
for number eights made sharply angled aint
what was when number 8 tipt over meant
eternity, leastways when eggheads sd
that that was what that then wld signify.
Now are you with us? Do you understand,
which is to stand under, in the light
within wich ray you have epiphany?
Than all is well and on we may continue
and on & on but wither is the ?
Anon says this, other anon says that.
We tunnel w/ anons thru earth w/ stones
& bones, where ancient wood in fetid loam
crumbles like velvet cake, let us go on
& further downward, down & deeper down
where went Clark Ashton Smith & Robert Blair,
Lovecraft & Poe, E. Howard, Baudelaire,
to pungent dark decay, decrepitude
of pile on pile of generations buried
unsung & scantly monumented spirits
under in ooze of gravid mouldering compost
moss & treebark, root & roots long deep
roots downward threading deltaed branches
networkt nature's conjuring consciousness
in progress yet they say w/o knowledge
yet how can that which hath no vision forge
machinery for sight, that wich is deaf
form the ear-drum ? How in unknowing
process persevere to make the eyeball,
no, to grok the need to see, to understand
affects of light, patterns & shapes ? How, in
nonbeing grasp the needs of things that be
or know what being is.   Let us say a beast
w/o hunger will not hunt nor eat for he moves
w reason but w/o purpose will stagnate
w time & space in stalemate, solid, inert,
unmoved, not by necessity, nor desire
inclined to that or this & yet they say
that this is what it is & all  there is,
to keep up rep & tenure, publish proper
papers undefiant, docile & conformd
confirmd to pridefully perpetuate
the status quo : we don't need no unsettled
apples or unstepforded uncomfortable
individuals, no peas outside the pod
to prod the sleepy sheepy massd unwashd
or be a pestilence to them on high
who look upon us from the welkin down
w blessings & beneficence or with
malevolence, black, raveneyed or falcon-
focusd beastly beakd & talond hunting
down & down & redly bloody bring me O
my bring me my arrows o
