Feb 26, 2014

Reynolds & Midway XXXVII.

                                                                                  For Bill Carpenter

To Niedecker page thirty-seven I saw
Will I & so it went but first I pressd six
say seven rows of twaddle 'til my needle
I took & unknitted what I'd lazily made,
@ which point then I thoght what will I,
or will I indeed, the choice as it always
was  was ours   Williams' Immortal Poems
uncoverd, dogeard, Duncan underneath
where late we sat & wonderd on designs
of floortiles, drywall, wainscot invisaged
bugeyes horns torsos tails & wings
w/ pressure on the ball of the foot
& weight of the body seated tilted gravid
birthing intellection silent quotidian
fanatical sawings of crickets visions gatherd
scattershot, willy-nilly as over a field
a flight of clumsy birds a tumble under
wrackd Shelleyan cloud or sprayd etcetera
thatchwork in the welkin, strings ejaculated
crosswise, could be poison, 'pending
on whom you trust and who has got the facks
I had at the knee Chinese in English, quatrains
of loss after loss a reconciliation
w cosmos not found in Western art a peace
w death, an order wrung from evolution
blind w/o purpose, perfect rectangled squared
calm & understanding, and so I thought
this is what I will: I will take to my feet
and ramble over the dry & empty hills
and you come too I sd to Reynolds, who
was taciturn and squinted in the sunlight
right hip loaded neath a striped duster
for he had seen Gary Cooper & his girl
a bandit with a torch, a field of corn
the fear in her eye set flame in his heart
& so remained inside while I went forth
wherever my foot struck earth a path, a way
not out but in, for we have sd in prayer
the fireworks of God & His majestic colors
splashd on the eyelids forcibly shut against
mt ranges snowpeakd, rolling oceans O
Lactantius, thou teller of One, not among
many, nay, there are no gods but God
not gods  gods do not exist  gods are men
there is only One God  and that is God
& no you will not remove Him nor can you
cast Him out Who made thee nor can you
remove Him, Whose Breath is thy breath &
thy body & being is Him & that pounding
heart's blood, life's blood, quick, hot w/ good
shot through & all throughout for all & for 1
Who is God, thy Father, thy Maker, thee
cherishd   precious   child   born   awakened,
live, for the Breath you breathe the  spirit  in 
spirited speed toward Him to adore Him.
