Now loose the terror of Leviathan,
Immortal Cetus, of the quiet deeps,
And make superfluous the merman's fin
That innocently gambols in the brine.
Beyond the palisades, the spanning lights
Arrayed on stones to hail the pilot's brow,
Lies but the Night's irresolute enigma,
The quandary's palaver, the conceits
Of convoluted quatrains. Query cliffs
To learn the black arithmetic of angles,
The verities of heights; comport and truce
With fallen angels for the salve of peace.
For who would masticate the fruit and make
His trespass from the permancence of Spring
To swagger in mortality, to steep
His blood in danger and experience,
Must coven with such avatars, be privy
To ministrations of dark kith and kindred.
Bellow and bray that blond and tender maids
Be taken to the dragon's tooth, be stripped
And cuffed upon the tree made two by fire,
The forked and brittle altar, that their breasts,
Pink-crested teardrops, may bring down the beast
To burn and consummate; speak out that lambs
Be slit and bled, that innocence be drowned,
That all the new be bright in immolation.
Now mage and seer conspire, and Daphne curls
In fear among her leaves, Apollo's bow
Extends for seasoned meat, Olympian yard
Ensanguined with the spoils of sacrifice!
I stand and summon under druid stones.
Immortal Cetus, of the quiet deeps,
And make superfluous the merman's fin
That innocently gambols in the brine.
Beyond the palisades, the spanning lights
Arrayed on stones to hail the pilot's brow,
Lies but the Night's irresolute enigma,
The quandary's palaver, the conceits
Of convoluted quatrains. Query cliffs
To learn the black arithmetic of angles,
The verities of heights; comport and truce
With fallen angels for the salve of peace.
For who would masticate the fruit and make
His trespass from the permancence of Spring
To swagger in mortality, to steep
His blood in danger and experience,
Must coven with such avatars, be privy
To ministrations of dark kith and kindred.
Bellow and bray that blond and tender maids
Be taken to the dragon's tooth, be stripped
And cuffed upon the tree made two by fire,
The forked and brittle altar, that their breasts,
Pink-crested teardrops, may bring down the beast
To burn and consummate; speak out that lambs
Be slit and bled, that innocence be drowned,
That all the new be bright in immolation.
Now mage and seer conspire, and Daphne curls
In fear among her leaves, Apollo's bow
Extends for seasoned meat, Olympian yard
Ensanguined with the spoils of sacrifice!
I stand and summon under druid stones.