I will consider now the ass of a woman, for it hath length and breadth and width.
For it is sturdy & well-made, that though it shaketh it crumbleth not;
For it is like a fortress standing tall & bold among the pygmy fortresses,
For it putteth its tongue between its lips and bloweth out raspberries & saith
Look upon me, ye mighty, and despair, for I am like a Pyramid in the desert,
Gravid & swollen w/ pride for being the joy that I am, a thing of beauty that is forever.
And though the seasons come & fade before me, lo I am constant & never fadeth,
For I am like unto a red red rose set bold against the small & timid roses.
For the ass of a woman doth not admit impediments, which is of a marriage of two demi-asses,
For the ass of a woman crusheth the straight back of the simple donkey,
For the ass of a woman riseth and the anus also riseth,
For ask ye not for whom the ass riseth, nor what becometh of the ass defer'd,
Nor wherefore it grieveth for the ass of a woman grieveth not.
For I will consider my cat Ofelia, my soft pussy, for she is sleek and mewleth
like unto harps & viols & fecund bassoons of umber timbre,
For who shall say that when she walketh naked she is not the genius of her own household?
And what though she kneeleth & showeth her cloven haunches wide asunder?
For I will consider my soft pussy tho' all the seas gang dry,
For from her behind the sun shineth and straight to my heart she slayeth me,
For if the red slayer thinketh he slayeth he slayeth not nor can he crack a nut.
For it is sturdy & well-made, that though it shaketh it crumbleth not;
For it is like a fortress standing tall & bold among the pygmy fortresses,
For it putteth its tongue between its lips and bloweth out raspberries & saith
Look upon me, ye mighty, and despair, for I am like a Pyramid in the desert,
Gravid & swollen w/ pride for being the joy that I am, a thing of beauty that is forever.
And though the seasons come & fade before me, lo I am constant & never fadeth,
For I am like unto a red red rose set bold against the small & timid roses.
For the ass of a woman doth not admit impediments, which is of a marriage of two demi-asses,
For the ass of a woman crusheth the straight back of the simple donkey,
For the ass of a woman riseth and the anus also riseth,
For ask ye not for whom the ass riseth, nor what becometh of the ass defer'd,
Nor wherefore it grieveth for the ass of a woman grieveth not.
For I will consider my cat Ofelia, my soft pussy, for she is sleek and mewleth
like unto harps & viols & fecund bassoons of umber timbre,
For who shall say that when she walketh naked she is not the genius of her own household?
And what though she kneeleth & showeth her cloven haunches wide asunder?
For I will consider my soft pussy tho' all the seas gang dry,
For from her behind the sun shineth and straight to my heart she slayeth me,
For if the red slayer thinketh he slayeth he slayeth not nor can he crack a nut.