Apr 8, 2015

Reynolds and Midway 52

another Marlboro he sd and we were still
chuffed and chaffinch-fluttery flattering Clint
all six4 and that extry arm, the hard arm, black
or blue, a 44 or 5 of something magnificently
Magnum, and Tuco: he with his teeth white as
that which sent rushing past the silky curtains
brings the blueprinteddiagramd recipe for
jaws and choppers, tongue for slaw and speech,
bone and marrow, hair and twenty digits
which, with flicks of wrists and rules of thumbs
all carefully compacted apprehended
and remembered, we go icarusing upward
and carouselambling outward outnumbered|
Reynolds? Reynolds? where art thou, Reynolds?
sd Midway, tuning in to the yellowhammering
silence, hey, and he stands at that gate that hangs
agape and squeaks, the frontier of white stone?
Whitestone? now Hall's white apples echoecho,
did he find her, hoping, hands... predecessor...s
ancestors, yes, foreclosure, for themselves, for
closure, close is good, withdrawal, with-
drawing, leadership? Really, says Midway, not
me leaving, I was abominable? No, I was about
to say. Was I? Sorry, so sorry, I am mixed up, 
Conditional. I don't understand conditional. 
Explain. The word was going to be confused



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