Jun 13, 2014

Emmett Reckins The Road to Reality

When I was yonge some things were different than.
Wich is to say that I'm a different man
than who—or is it whom, or either or?—
I was befor. I herd that heretofore,
that God had up and made us out of stuff.
What stuff that is, I guest He had enough
to make a ball, and loads of other balls
Wich all strung up made His celestial halls
as bright as any diety could wish.
Let there be light, He said, and then some fish,
plus other varmints, sprang upon the earth,
wich was of vastitude and mighty girth
that some called Mother then, and do today,
but by some fancy name thats spelt this way:
Gaia. I learnt that spelling off of Bing,
wich is a kind of dictionary thing
like Yahoo, wich was long befor the age
of Goooooogle [note I splat there on the page,
like on my monitor, to many o's?
Looks kind of like a bowl of cheerios!]
See how I wandered off? My Pa once tolt me,
Emmett, pay attention!  Sure, he'd scolt me,
but I've a neck and shoulder stiff as any,
and I kin take a licking. I've had many
a boxing on the ear, plus a good whack
upon the nether part of this hear back,
as well as many a lashing by the tonge,
wich sometimes more than wallops often stung.
What I am on about is only that
the child is father of the man. Now what
that means is really simple. Just ask Wordsworth,
A poet who could tell you what a word's worth—
I know, I know! I stolt that rhyme, leastways
I think I might of. Might have?  Anyways,
the thing is, when your older, than you see
another version of Reality,
wich Roger Penrose wrote a book upon,
wich I in turn reviewed on Amazon.
I bougt it at St. Vinny's hear in town.
I mean that book of Roger's, who's no clown,
but is a mathematician and a physicist...

Hot dang!    The End.   [No rhymes for physicist.]



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