Dec 19, 2013

Reynolds & Midway XXXI.

Radials grip & crunch on powdery snow
outside, and the nite deepens in St. John,
the clink of tulip glasses, acrid scents
of Gaulois Bleus, a fresh pack, muffled titters
of Nova Scotian fangirls out of the know,
and him, whose lanky fingers flutter pages
& scrawl the coveted autograph to names
rememberd for a minute. New Year's Eve.
Carols & Christmas songs & hymns mumble
in faraway chorus faint thru frosted windows:
Silent, Holy Night, & Rudolph's nose:
Bob May's grieving creation put to song
by Johnny Marks, also a Jew, and May's
brother-in-law, no less: remarkable story
of Jewish suffering & Jewish resilience,
in celebration of the toughest Jew
& mildest Rabbi in the world of men.
Thus Midway's eyes reflected, Yule-log flame
flickering inside the umber iris,
dilated pupil, moist, the eggwhite stitcht
with deltaed red; the tear rolld, pendulous,
breast-shapen. Was it sd that Helen's breast
was used to make a chalice? Marie Antoinette's
perfect pair a set of 4 porcelain cups?
I have no doubt, sd Reynolds, & held his hand
as if to cradle gently in his palm
the tear-shaped bowl of fat. Then Midway cried
O Monika's kleine bechern; my beloved's
¡delicados pequeños cálices!
but those he had not known, yet did Cassandra's
cuppas: white as almond blossoms, tippt
with areolæ pink as bloomd pink roses|
Midway blinkd, and Robert rose, Pierre
Cardin white chinos catching at a shoelace,
& glided thru the 'smoky music': Duncan's
capture| [A name] I love you. I want to kiss you
on the mouth & on the neck. I want to hold
you in my arms & feel your breasts against me ;
I want to make love to you ; to know your body
as I know my own body ; to smell you, taste you,
touch you, forever. I love you, I love you, forever.
These words came forth from my lips, we spoke
in whispers in the darkness, to them that we love,
in true love & in covetousness, in the Ear of God
our words were true & dangerous, & spoken in sin.
Later we slept, & our dreams passd w/o memory.
Laid on our side, we ran our hands on our body,
naked in the dark, in the Light of Christ, w/o shame,
and in the name of Love, we whisperd| ¶ Eyes
followd þhe man, þhe eyes of wickéd women,
& wickéd men, who lookd wiþ envious lust
& lecheróus desire ; & he knew
the pressure of þeir eyes, þe clingy, webby
tendrils of interest dragging, only to break
at last when time & distance broke þe þreads
of þeir attention. Out into þe chilly
wind of St. John, þhe penny loafers trod,
&, in a black sedan, he went.

- 12.17-19.13

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