May 27, 2009

Odysseus to His Son

Forget about what you've heard, boy, all of it.
 Throw it in the fire there, it's nothing.
 Let me say something. There is nothing worse
 than stewing in the guts of a ship, hounded
 by memories of a face, by dreams of eyes
 you doubt still take the trouble to weep for you.

Forget about war. There is little virtue in it.
 You'll piss yourself and look for a hole to hide in.
 A sword is heavy; blood is sticky. It stinks.

The truth is I was lost most of the time,
 knocked here and there like a doll, sliding by Death
 like a slug he would rather not soil his hands with.
 Learn a trade, and find yourself a girl
 who'll look beyond what's common in you, who'll see
 what may be worth weaving something pretty for.